Henry Ventura is Technical Operations Manager at Walnut St Labs and created Office Hours new scheduling platform. Henry has added a variety of functionalities that competing products have failed to do. In addition to working at Walnut St. Labs, Henry teaches a programming course at UArts in Philadelphia.

What was the problem you faced?

“We had Office Hours set up as a service to help aspiring entrepreneurs and businesses to grow, but the scheduling software we used to facilitate our advisement sessions. The previous scheduling software was not scalable beyond one location, advisors weren’t capable of editing their own profiles and their service team was unresponsive, in California. It essentially didn’t fit our need, so we decided to make our own.”
–Henry Ventura, Technical Operations at WSL


How does Office Hours’ web app solve the problem?

“We build up our own product that was geared specifically towards our need. Our product is now scalable to accommodate multiple locations, our advisors can now edit their own profiles and alter their availability at anytime. We can now group our advisors via their ares of expertise.”
–Henry Ventura, Technical Operations at WSL


What’s next for Office Hours?

“We’re in the process of adding more advisors, sharing it with other spaces that are interested integrating our product, drawing up our press release and planning our full launch. We want Office Hours to be huge, so we’re trying to appeal to others communities who are interested in offering Office Hours.”
–Henry Ventura, Technical Operations at WSL


Office Hours is a joint project between Walnut St. Labs and the Ideas x Innovation Network that offers innovators the opportunity to gain expert advice from industry and domain experts from Chester County and Southeastern PA.

It’s a joint effort between Walnut St. Labs and Ideas x Innovation Network (i2n) to ignite innovation in Chester County and Southeastern Pennsylvania. Office Hours connects innovators with Innovation Advisors for face-to-face networking and advisement. Innovation Advisors are curated “Pros” from the region who have expertise in a domain or domains. Office Hours makes it easy for innovators to access the rich knowledge base in this region.