The coIN Loft

“My startup story began when my friend and I quit our marketing services jobs, and the very next day we started a our own business.”
— Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“We figured that there were for sure other people like us, so we started traveling around and hanging-out in coworking spaces and attending events like these.”
— Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“Before, we would essentially meet in coffee shops. We felt like community settings were a better way to build a company, and eventually we decided to found a coworking space (in Wilmington, DE).
— Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“By end of last year, we were acquired and entered into a private partnership w/ a company called Startitup DE.” –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“Kurbi is geared towards patients and families of patients that are living w/ chronic conditions. At this stage, Kurbi is particularly for families of MS. It allows families to communicate about and share vital healthcare-related information.” –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“For people living with MS, Kurbi helps them balance healthcare-related exercises and posts selected results to Facebook and twitter.”
–Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“The starting place of your business is not necessarily where you end up. I feel as though most people focus far too much on their startup’s genesis, and it can prevent them from growing and developing their business into something more than they’ve envisioned.” –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“Following our first year, I realized I had no idea what it was like to know and work with patients and families of patients. So, I took some time to observe them, just to better understand what my app needed to do in order to help and explore new ways to help.” –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“Its not until you dig into people lives that you understand the novelty and usefulness of your app or product.” –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“As entrepreneurs, we are crazy people asking other people to put coins in our jar, and we have to understand that people may view us in that way.”
–Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“Leading (interview) questions suck! We need to learn how to interview people in new and better ways.”  — Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“We opened a space, had 25 desks and the first day, the grand opening, no one showed. People were supporting us on the internet, retweeting us, but no one showed up to work, maintain the space and build the community. It was a serious lesson for us.” –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“Stay clear (cognitively), don’t be afraid to throw away the first iteration of your idea, because it will most likely be the most incoherent version of that idea.”
–Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“The hard work of entrepreneurship is to craft something that is meaningful to others”   –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“People are our foundation. Maintaining and building a network of connections is how we thrive!”  –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“It’s important to trust people. By and large, most people have no interest in stealing your ideas. So, dont live in fear of having someone steal your idea from underneath of you.”   –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“The example I use is: ‘If you had to draw a dog, what would you do first?’ Everyone has a different approach on one task, even something as simple as drawing a dog. The difference in those approaches or processes will appeal to different people, which will ultimately alter your end-game.”
— Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“The example is used to convey that even if someone were to steal your idea, they’d do it completely different than you would.”
–Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“It started off as an idea that Steve (a friend) had, he wanted to give money to students and not the institution. We called it ‘USeed DE’. We pitched it to the university of DE, and they loved it! We actually gave it over to another guy and now he’s based in AZ. He’s doing things with it that we would have never dreamed of!” –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“So, as a leader or founder, don’t be afraid to get out the way, and let other people take over. Some people might be able to do things better than you could ever do it. Dont feel like it’s something that you have to control.”
–Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“Kurbi has a data sharing feature and a social feature. It allows people to understand that they’re not alone and can thereby feel supported. What we have observed is that Doctors will glance at the data, but the nurses are the ones that refer more heavily to it. If we are able to create a product that is so helpful that they don’t ever close it, then that’s a serious benchmark for us @GoKurbi.”
— Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“I really believe that getting away from your idea allows you to reform your intent.”  — Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“Everything we do with Kurbi is patient-driven. Patients invite their doctors and nurses to use Kurbi.”  –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE


“Since 2012, Kurbi’s app costs three dollars a month, on a month-to-month basis. Compared to the overall healthcare costs that patients and families spend in a month, we think it’s fairly priced. Building these deep in-roads to the healthcare system through our app has proven to be helpful for patients, and their families.”  –Wes Garnett Jr., @GoKurbi & @CoINloftDE
