

“I’d like to take a moment to talk about reinventing yourself, drawing from a story of my wife’s experience. My wife came from a small town in Lancaster township. One of those towns that serves meat and potatoes for meals, every meal, that’s kinda it … She went to WCU for Business and Finance, but her passion was really in food … She had to make an intentional choice to reinvent herself. The cards were not stacked for her to be a french pastry chef, but she made that (intentional) choice and over a period of time, through trial and error, family tastings and so forth, she has now developed a relationship with restaurants in Lancaster that request for her ‘Famous Cheesecake’.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“Anybody Futurama fans in here? Got any Futurama Fans in here? Alright, A couple people. I’m a big Futurama fan. I’m that Big of a geek! (audience laughs).” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“I have a lot of background in encryption and data security. My previous company,, which is where I worked when I became involved in the Lab (Walnut St Labs). I’ve since hired a management team and transitioned all the control. Now that they’re all up and running, A and B round of funding, I got jazzed on something new and jumped out.”
— Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“(I’m) Mostly focusing on mobile, social and privacy, which is interesting stuff. I use to do some FBI help, hunting down sexual predators, about 8-10 years ago. It was interesting, but there was also some scary stuff. Now, Im official hacker ‘Numero-Uno’ at the new startup, Stash! And I’m an open-source software and privacy advocate.”
— Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“I love this quote from Jerry Seinfeld, ‘Whatever the opposite of planned-obsolescence is, that’s what I’m into’. What a great quote from Jerry Seinfeld!

And there’s a different perspective on this (quote) from a neat new book that I’ve been reading. Anyone who is interested in reading science fiction, (it depicts) crazy technology that actually has done a pretty good job of predicting nifty new things in the internet culture; Check out Cryptonomicon. Incredible book!” — Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“We’re ultimately challenged that without the ability to adapt, we may have to face the possibility of being squeezed out and be completely left behind. Technology is an obvious example. How crazy has smart-phones tech changed in the last ten years, Right? If your in that industry and you haven’t kept up, you’re irrelevant now! Every industry is like that, not many move as fast as technology, but it’s a reality.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“Today is a chance to take a new step forward in reinventing yourself. The truth is, we should all be learning. We should all be continue to be adapting because the world changes around us.”
— Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“Ronald Reagan was a B-movie actor, he was in westerns, and they were ok, but he ended up radically changing things in the government. He shook everything up! … He was a man who reinvented himself, in a major way.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“(For) National geographic, 1888 was there first magazine. In 1914 they did their first color photographs. And, in the 70s, 80s and 90’s it became increasingly obvious that national geographic was that thing on the bookshelf at your grandparents house. They weren’t relevant to a new age. They reinvented themselves because they didn’t want to die! So, they relaunched the national geographic channel, in 2001. They even broke some of the rules in the process. They found new ways to excite people about learning.” — Andrew Schwabe, FOunder

“Did you know that Nintendo started in 1989, selling playing cards? That’s ridiculous!(Big laugh from the audience) Playing cards! Even more crazy, they actually ran a taxi service. In 1977, they came out with this thing called TV-game 6, which no one bought, but it was a massive leap forward in technology. And then 1980, Donkey Kong, which made all of us loose our quarters. And Lastly, NES in ’85, which just changed the game! A far, far, leap from their playing card days.”
— Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“The whole idea of being true to yourself is to say, if your going to enjoy life, if your going to be able to sleep at night, if you actually want to become anyone of significance, the most important thing you can do (for yourself) is take care of yourself, and make sure that you’re the kind of person that you want to be. Do you want to be that person who people look up to?”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“One of the most critical aspects of reinventing yourself is tapping into your passions!”
— Andrew Schwabe, Founder of


“Personally make an effort to reinvent yourself. In the process of intentionally shifting your priorities will change the game. Commit to yourself to learn new things. Reading is a great way to get inspired and start to learn new things.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“You want to be able to pivot, to use a technical term, intentional choice is essential to this change.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“Accept failure. It’s just an another step towards success. This is a problem for most entrepreneurs. We’re typically our own worst critic. And when you fail at something, it’s really easy to have a pity party for a long time. Its also really easy to give up and take a job somewhere, which in some cases is necessary.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“Failure is an opportunity to learn. You will fail, otherwise your’e not trying. When you try you’re going to have failures. Learning from them makes you a better person and gives you more confidence.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“In order to make a successful pivot, continually test your strategies and theories. We are coming out of an age where we’re overall protective about ideas and some of us are even paranoid that people are going to steal our ideas, which really fights the idea collaborative growth.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“Once you realize that everyone you talk to knows a lot more than you in certain areas, then everyone becomes a gold mine of knowledge.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“You have to take risks and you have to learn to trust if your ever going to get anywhere. There is a balance. If your writing a patent, don’t publish online for obvious reasons. And, don’t publish your source-code if your early stage.”
— Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“Don’t forget to acknowledge your weaknesses and learn form other’s success. I do know that I don’t know it all, and that’s critical.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder of @Stash


“Stash is the name of the new company that I just started, Dana (Hoffer) is my new partner. The two of us are tag-teaming this, and Im really excited about it! The idea itself gelled quickly, a lot quicker than previous companies that I’ve done.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“I had to make turn to now become an expert in cryptography, cryptology. I’ve had to continually educate myself and notice my blind-spots. It takes going to events and have people ask questions that I don’t know how to answer to.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“Why does Stash exist? Well, we use to think that security on the internet just rocked and rolled. We relied on SSL and we were pretty sure that things were all together. We were OK that our kids posted pictures of themselves and their location all the time. We just thought, ‘this is social networking, this is the new way of the world’. All of the sudden, internet security became a bigger problem.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“Hacked and Spied On. Lets review some examples. Passwords get hacked; 1.2 billion usernames and passwords, 2 million twitter and facebook passwords stolen. If this doesn’t scare you, then I don’t know what does! Then wiki-leaks and Snowden leaks went public, and we came to realize that the people who had warned us for years that the government was spying on us were validated and we said, ‘wholly crap, they’re right!” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“No Privacy. Check this out, google glasswares can steal your passwords at a distance. It triangulates the angle of your fingers when your tapping at the front screen. With my google glass I can record it and figure out your password. This is just the technology that got published online, that we know about. What about all the stuff that’s being made in China that we don’t know about.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“There’s a new handset that is being manufactured in china. It’s an android. Someone did a dissection on it, took it all apart and found that inside was a backdoor that feeds every piece of information, from every app and sends it over to a Chinese server for big-data collection. That’s obviously not a documented feature!”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder

“The Prism Project is what was revealed by the NSA whistle blowers, there are actually multiple (NSA Whistle Blowers). Edward Snowden gets the medal for being the most prominent one. They (the federal government) are able to take all this information, collected directly from these services (Major Multi-National Conglomerates). 2007 is when Microsoft joined the prism program. That’s ancient in terms of internet life-cycle! And Google joined (Prism) in 2009, which why everyone is so freaked out by all the data google has!

And so, we’re finding out that all this stuff that we’re relying on is no longer secure.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“Anyone know what photo dna is? No? It’s a Microsoft product that takes images and it flattens them into two colors, black and white. It chops them up and turns every image into a number, into a hash. It then uses that library of hashes to scan people’s email, and report offensive content. Cool that they’re actually able to can clean up that type of stuff (child pornography, piracy, etc.) but the process or concept of how they can do that scares the heck out of me. Because when will they decide it’s not limited to images, or offensive images? When will they start scanning hashes of all the rest of your content?” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“You guys have heard of the ‘Right to be forgotten’? Its been all over the news. I think the ‘right to be forgotten’ is kind of a big fat joke! The concept is right. It was the right answer of what the people wanted to hear. But the truth is, asking a service like google to just forget you is like one of us calling up the FBI and asking them to drop all their illegal phone taps on us.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“So, is the answer to be anonymous?” The truth is, if we allow truly anonymous stuff we will actually be causing more problems. It opens a door to the dark-side of the internet.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“TOR is another system. TOR is another way for you to anonymize or encrypt and obfuscate your connection on your computer. The Kremlin (Russia) put out a bounty, large volumes of cash for people who can provide info to crack who is using TOR. Why? because the government is gonna get in (there). Its based on standards technology, and so its only a matter of time. And now, they have the best hackers in the world on it.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“We think anonymous peer-validated for data integrity is the answer.
We need to allow things like whistle-blowing, anonymous submissions to know entries. We need technologies that encourage responsible use.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“We think that social content needs to stay social, and never get collected for big data.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“We don’t have all the answers today, but we actively searching for those answers.”
— Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“Stash is the world’s first peer-validated ephemeral messaging platform influenced by bitcoin and TOR (” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“We’re working towards what we think is the holy grail.” –Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“What we’re building here is not an app… we’re building a platform, which enables people to build apps.”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder


“Be the next Nintendo! Dream big, never give up and keep learning!”
–Andrew Schwabe, Founder
